Sunday, September 9, 2007


Precious (presh-es) 1. Of great worth 2. Beloved; cherished
When I die, please get to my sewing room before my husband does... Take whatever you want, and bring a truck.
Everybody brings joy to this house. Some when they enter, some when they leave
Baby - n.(ba'be) an infant, The youngest member of a family. Adorable, precious cargo, our hearts desire, the object of one's affection, a bundle of joy, a gift from heaven.
Believe (be-leve) 1. To put one's trust in 2. To accept on as fact 3. To have faith inGiggle 1. A giddy laughter 2. Laughter in a silly of nervous manner 3. Often accompanying secrets among young girls
Miracle (mir-e-kel) 1. an event or action unexplained by scientific law 2. an awesome or unimaginable
Smile (smil) 1. To move the tips of one's mouth upward to express pleasure or happiness 2. To express pleasure by the features of the face; 3. to laugh silently.


Friends are our chosen family
Old friends are the best antiques
Friends are the most important ingredient in the recipe of life.
The ornaments of a house are the friends who frequent it.
Friends are angels who lift us on our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.
Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt
A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes.
A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when I forget the words.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. -Winnie the Pooh
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our heart, and we are never the same.


Why worry when you can pray
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven Eccl. 3:1
The truest measure to God’s love is that he loves us without measure
Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.
Work Hard * Pray Long * Trust GodFaith is not believing God can, it is knowing that he will
Be Grateful Be Smart Be True Be Humble Be Prayerful
I'll go where you want me to go
The Best Two Years
Return With Honor
Always and Forever
Our forever family
A family that prays together stays togetherI will Go and Do, the things the Lord commands
The field is white ready to harvest
Chosen to witness for his name
I hope they call me on a mission
Because I have been given much
Forever, For Always and No Matter What
Nothing happens unless we first dream.
Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me
Together, Forever, Sealed with Love
Try a little harder to be a little better. - Gordon B. Hinckley
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord
It's easy to stand with the crowd, It takes courage to stand alone.
Be true to who you are and the family name you bear. - Gordon B. Hinckley
In this world there are two kinds of people, those we love and those we haven't met yet
Give the world the best that you have and the best will come back to you. - Madeline Bridges
When you can't sleep, don't count sheep, talk to the SHEPHERD
Remember who you are - remembering who you are changes what you do.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
I believe in God like I believe in the sun - not because I can see it, but because of it all things are seen -C S Lewis
Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy New Year
Happy Valentines Day
I love you
Be mine
Spring with Definition
All I need to know I learned from the Easter bunny: 1. don't put all your eggs in one basket 2. There's no such thing as too much candy 3. Everyone needs a friend who is all ears
America the Beautiful
God Bless the USA
Proud to be American
Summer with Definition
Happy Halloween
There is magic in the night when the pumpkins glow with candlelight
Trick or Treat
Autumn with Definition
In everything, give thanks
Count Your Blessings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Angels Sang, Shepherds Saw, Wisemen Came
Cold Nose, Warm HeartWinter with definition(Dear) Santa, I can explain!
There’s no place like home for the holidays
Silent Night, Holy Night
Joy to the World
Joy * Love * Hope
Let it Snow
I believe
Christmas- Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
Santa, Define Good.
Snowmen fall from the sky unassembled
(Walking in a) Winter wonderland
Once there was a snowman, Tall, Tall, Tall.
Each of us is an Innkeeper, who decides if there is room for Jesus. -Neal A. Maxwell
Christmas is the only time of year where we all sit around a dead tree and eat out of our socks.


Believe in miracles
Cherish Today
Raise the Bar, from where you are
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
In order to be irreplaceable. One must be different
Don't dream your life, live your dreams
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Remember the day's blessings, Forget the day's troubles
The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others. Hasidic
SayingGod doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called
We don't remember days, we remember moments.
Let experience be your teacher, let challenges be the test of life.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
To be happy, don't do whatever you like; like whatever you do
Be yourself, it is the one thing you can do better than anyone else
No act of kindness however small is ever wasted
It's not having what you want that counts, it's wanting what you have.
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world
I've always wanted to be somebody, I realize now I should have been more specific
A person's true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching
.Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.
Sometimes you just have to take a leap and build your wings on the way down
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away
Blessed are they who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting
Happy people don't necessarily have everything, they just make the most of everything they have
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are; it is our choices. - Professor Dumbledore
It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.
Life is a song- sing it; Life is a game- play it; Life is a challenge- meet it; Life is a dream- realize it; Life is a sacrifice- offer it; Life is love- enjoy itSuccess is the willingness to keep trying
InspireThe difference between falling and failing is whether or not you choose to get up Everyone brings joy to this office… some when they enter, others when they leave.
Do one thing everyday that makes you happy
Go as far as you can see and when you get there, you will see even farther.
Aim for the moon. If you miss, you will be among the stars.

Laundry Room

Laundry Room - Drop your pants here
It all comes out in the wash
Laundry Room: Drop your drawers here
When I said "I DO" I didn't mean the laundry.
Laundry - 10 cents (bleach extra)

Master Bedroom

… happily ever after
Happiness is being married to your best friend
A home becomes a castle when the King and Queen are in love
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much Helen Keller
When life is more than you can stand... kneel
Forever For Always No Matter What
It’s never too late to live Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After – Grow old with me, the best is yet to be. R. Browning
The best thing to hold on to in life is each other
Grant me the patience to deal with my blessings
I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you
Love isn't about counting down the years, it's about making the years count
He loves me, he loves me not, it doesn't matter, I'm all he's got
It is more important to love the one you marry, then to marry the one you love.


Li’l Buckaroo
…Always Kiss Me Goodnight
My favorite place is in your hug
Miracles Happen
Child’s Name
I am a child of God
Hush little baby, don't you cry
A dream is a wish your heart makes
No boys allowed
Shhh... Princess sleeping
To infinity and beyond
Reach for the sky
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, do you know how loved you are?
Monkey see… monkey do
Mothers of little boys work from son up till son down!
Lead Me, Guide Me, Walk Beside Me
Be All That You Can Be
There's a rip and a tear in my teddy bear, love pours from him everywhere
Count your blessings two by two
Some blessings come in twos and they came two by two
A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.
Oh, the places you'll go! - Dr. Seuss
Did you think to pray?
You are my Sunshine
I Believe I Can Fly
Dribble, Rebound, Shoot, SCORE!
Take me out to the ball game
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
All you need is faith and trust and a little bit of pixie dust.
What are little girls made of? Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice
Frogs and things and dragonfly wings, that's what little boys are made of.
All things bright and beautiful. All creatures great and small. The Lord God made them all.
Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game


Bubbles, Bubbles EverywhereRub-a-Dub-Dub, who is that in the tub?
How long a minute is, depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on.
Our aim is to keep the bathroom clean. Your aim will help.
Rubber ducky, you're the one
This is one room where I know what I came in here for the best seat in the house


Live Simply, Laugh Often, Love Deeply
Live well, Laugh often, Love much
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away. Cooking is Love made visible
Bon Appetite
Faith * Family * Friends
Dishes are Dirty, Do them Dishes are Clean, Remove them
Never trust a skinny cook
So this isn't home sweet home. Adjust.
If we are what we eat then I'm fast, cheap and easy.
A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand
If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen
This kitchen is closed due to illness, I'm sick of cooking
My favorite thing to make for dinner is reservations.
Christ, the Center of Our Home, A Guest at Every Meal, A Silent Listener to Every Conversation

Family room/Family

May all who enter as guests… leave as friends
Together is our favorite place to be
Gathering room
Live life like it is Heaven on earth
Count Your Blessings
Cherish yesterday, Dream tomorrow, Live today
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all
Family Matters
My house is filled with the things that I love
Love is Spoken Here
Love and Truth now and ever, that’s what keeps a family together
A house is made of walls and beams, a home is built with love and dreams.
Bless this home and all who gather here
The most important things in life aren't things
Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it.
Families are like old quilts – Although they tend to unravel at times, each can be stitched back together with love.
Our family tree is full of nuts
Music is the voice of the soul
Music is the prayer the heart sings
Home is not a place. . . It is a feeling
Home is where your story (journey) begins
Insanity is hereditary you get it from your kids!
The ornaments of a house are the Friends who frequent it.
Grant me patience to deal with my blessings.
No matter what, no matter where, it's always home, if love is there.
Anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy
Being a parent is the greatest trust that has been given to human beings. -David O. McKay
A mother holds her children's hands for just a little while...their hearts forever.
May our home know joy, each room hold laughter, every window open to great possibilities.
Having someplace to go is home, Having someone to love is family, Having both is a blessing
FAMILY - the ones you live with, laugh with, and love
The best times are always found when friends and family gather round
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be
A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.
The only thing better than having you for a dad, is my children having you for a grandpa
I smile because you are my (sister, brother), I laugh because you can't do anything about it.
Memories hide in every corner of my house, and I take great delight every time I stumble across one.
Family last name: Established 1993
In our home let love abide, and bless all those who step inside.
Be a sweetie . . Wipe your feeties!
The house isn't under just live here
My house was clean last week...sorry you missed it.